New York Criminal Defense Lawyer


Need a Bronx Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Obtain a Reliable Counsel From Attorney Mullen

Being confronted by criminal charges can be extremely frightening, especially considering that the penalties behind these charges can be harsh and unforgiving. As you aim to clear your name and protect your future, it is imperative to attain firm legal representation from a Bronx criminal defense attorney immediately. The Law Offices of Michael Mullen is backed by years of extensive experience handling various criminal cases. Our firm's founder, Attorney Michael Mullen, has proven track record of success, taking on many high-profile cases with dedication and determined perseverance.

When you work with our firm, you benefit from:

  • Insight from a former assistant district attorney
  • More than 50 verdicts secured for clients
  • Qualified to handle state and federal level cases
  • Chief investigator is a former New York Police Department Captain

Ready to build a strong defense? Contact our firm today!

Confidently Tackling All Types of Criminal Charges

Attorney Michael Mullen is passionate about being an aggressive legal advocate for those who need someone to vigorously fight on their behalf. With impressive legal skills and in-depth knowledge of criminal law, he is truly a force to be reckoned with in and out of the courtroom.

He can offer assistance in the following legal areas:

  • Assault
  • Burglary
  • Domestic violence
  • DWI
  • Drug crimes
  • Fraud
  • Kidnapping
  • Larceny
  • Murder
  • Sex crimes
  • White collar crimes

Obtain Proven & Trusted Legal Counsel

As a qualified Bronx criminal defense lawyer, Attorney Michael Mullen can use his resources to uncover important factors of your charges and start crafting a powerful defense strategy. With so much at stake, you owe it to yourself to attain the highest level of legal excellence.

To pursue the counsel you deserve, contact The Law Offices of Michael Mullen today!

  • “Michael represented me in a criminal case. His professionalism and knowledge kept me at ease, knowing I was in more than capable hands and not alone.” - Julius
  • “I have witnessed him in action firsthand. He is the real deal. The jury loved him even as he was tearing apart the prosecution's witnesses on cross-examination.” - Reginald Sharpe, Esq
  • “Michael Mullen was the best attorney I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Yes, Michael was my attorney, but after everything, I now consider Michael a friend and a life savior.” - Robert