Brooklyn Larceny Charges Attorney
Are You Facing Larceny Charges?
Larceny is a criminal offense that refers to a non-violent theft crime. It is different than robbery in that violence is not usually connected with the theft. It also differs from theft in the type of property stolen and how the offense was committed.
For theft to be considered larceny, the intent must be to deprive an individual of their property through deceit. Different levels of larceny that can be charged.
Depending on the circumstances, larceny can carry misdemeanor or felony charges. No matter what your charge, you will need to obtain representation from a Brooklyn larceny lawyer.
Petite Larceny
New York City is known as the retail capitol of the world which makes it no surprise that petite larceny charges are so common in this area and throughout New York state. Class A misdemeanor larceny charges involve the theft of property that is valued at $1,000 or loss.
Petite larceny offenses are penalized by one year in jail and can include a permanent criminal record. Those who are charged with this offense may face significant prejudice when looking for employment or obtaining professional licenses.
Grand Larceny
Grand larceny is defined under Article 155 and Article 165 of the New York Penal Law. Those who are charged with stealing property valued at more than $1,000 can be charged with grand larceny or felony theft.
Penalties for grand larceny depend on the degree of the offense committed. A variety of factors are used to determine the specific sentence, such as a prior criminal record and the ability to pay restitution to the victim.
Contact a Brooklyn Larceny Defense Attorney Today!
If you have been charged with petite or grand larceny, it is important to retain competent legal assistance from our Brooklyn larceny attorney. We have assisted individuals after being charged with and arrested for theft crimes of this sort.
Securing the legal assistance of a lawyer from our firm should be your first step. Pursue representation from an experienced attorney in Brooklyn.
Contact us today to gain a better understanding of how we can help!

“I thought you were particularly astute, well prepared, and intelligent.”The Honorable Edward J. McLaughlin
“I have witnessed him in action firsthand. He is the real deal. The jury loved him even as he was tearing apart the prosecution's witnesses on cross-examination.”Reginald Sharpe, Esq
“I hired Mr. Mullen to defend me against false assault charges. After hiring Mr. Mullen, he was able to get all the charges dismissed!”Thomas
“Michael represented me in a criminal case. His professionalism and knowledge kept me at ease, knowing I was in more than capable hands and not alone.”Julius
“I was facing over 10 years in state prison. The jury found me not guilty on all charges. I walked out of court a free man!”Carlos
“Michael Mullen was the best attorney I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Yes, Michael was my attorney, but after everything, I now consider Michael a friend and a life savior.”Robert