New York Criminal Defense Lawyer

Harassment / Stalking

Harassment / Stalking Charges in Brooklyn

Have You Been Accused of Stalking?

Harassment refers to the unwanted conduct that has the intention to harass, aggravate, alarm and threaten another individual. Stalking takes place when an individual intentionally engages in behavior that is directed at one specific individual. Harassment and stalking actions are intended to cause fear, mental harm or economic harm.

Harassment and stalking offenses can be charged based on any type of communication, such as:

  • Telephone calls
  • Emails
  • Social media
  • Text messages
  • Voicemail

Harassment and stalking in the state of New York can be either physical or non-physical. Physical harassment is covered under New York Penal Code §240.26. 

It typically takes place during assault or as a result of assault that does not result in injury. Aggravated harassment is covered under §240.30 and can refer to a shove, kick or any other type of physical contact. 

Stalking can take place when the victim is being followed and can be combined with other unwanted behaviors. You can face heavy penalties if you have been arrested or are under investigation for harassment or stalking in New York.

Harassment and Stalking Defense Attorney

If you or someone you care about is under investigation, it is important to speak with a Brooklyn stalking and harassment defense lawyer from our firm at once. We serve clients in all five boroughs of:

and can do whatever it takes to protect your rights and ensure that every available defense route is taken. An order of protection is likely issued so that you are required to stay away from the alleged victim.

Get Started on Your Case Today

Team up with the best stalking and harassment defense attorney in Brooklyn to help in your harassment case. Need an attorney for your criminal case in Brooklyn? 

Our firm knows that false accusations and misunderstandings take place, so contact us today! We are prepared to represent clients who have been charged with the crime of stalking or harassment.

Call our firm at (347) 462-0338 to schedule a consultation today.


  • “I hired Mr. Mullen to defend me against false assault charges. After hiring Mr. Mullen, he was able to get all the charges dismissed!” - Thomas
  • “I have witnessed him in action firsthand. He is the real deal. The jury loved him even as he was tearing apart the prosecution's witnesses on cross-examination.” - Reginald Sharpe, Esq
  • “Michael represented me in a criminal case. His professionalism and knowledge kept me at ease, knowing I was in more than capable hands and not alone.” - Julius